A story of shifting gears in TA
RecFest 2023 - EVP Stage
This is the story how our TA team went from hiring 300+ employees in the first half of 2022 to a complete slowdown for the rest of that year. Ledger, French-based unicorn that offers the world’s best security for crypto and digital assets, was able to adapt to the change and turn this into an incredible opportunity.
Defining our EVP, with the help of recruiters and spending (almost) 0 money
Creating a culture of collaboration across functions and locations
The past year has been a challenging but also amazing year for the TA team, delivering results through hires and improving the function but at the same time getting out of their comfort zone (whether it be running focus groups for EVP projects, creating training materials, meshing with HR ecosystem). Our recruiters are not “just” recruiters anymore, they now have super abilities to do their recruitment day-to-day but they can also stretch into so many parts within HR.
Up Next in RecFest 2023 - EVP Stage
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Art vs. Algorithm: Reshaping the Futu...
Exacerbated by over-dependence on technology, we’ll provoke your thinking with how automation is progressing fast and machines are getting ever closer to human capabilities, but we have skills they simply can't match – creativity. We'll explore how fostering a balance between technology, innovati...
The trends and insights driving what ...
In this presentation Julie will share the Megatrends, macro and micro cultural drivers affecting how we brand and market ourselves to talent and how they influence what talent wants. She also explores the future of work and the need to flex employer brand messaging to meet the expectations of dif...